=== WP JW Player === Contributors: Mario Mansour Donate link: http://www.tubepress.net/ Tags: wordpress, flash player, wp player, video player, tubepress, wp flash player Requires at least: 2.8 Tested up to: 2.9 Stable tag: trunk WP JW Player is customizable flash player with embed function, rss feeds which allows you to publish video and text content at the same time. == Description == [WP JW Player](http://www.tubepress.net/wp-jw-player) is customizable flash player with embed function, rss feeds which allows you to publish video and text content at the same time. == Installation == The plugin is simple to install: 1. Download `wp-jw-player.zip` 2. Unzip 3. Upload 'wp-jw-player' directory to your '/wp-content/plugins' directory 4. Go to the plugin management page and enable the plugin 5. Configure the plugin from 'Settings->WP JW Player' == Usage == Add JW Player to a post/page by inserting **[wp-jw-player src="http://www.example.com/video.flv"]** into the post/page. You can even add a Youtube video with custom width and height like this **[wp-jw-player src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WsGmZO4N0g0" width="400" height="350"]**. If you want to allow your visitors to embed the player on their websites and blog you can simply do that by adding **[wp-jw-player src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WsGmZO4N0g0" width="400" height="350" embed="true"]**. What about fetching rss feeds related to a certain keyword **[wp-jw-player src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WsGmZO4N0g0" width="400" height="350" rsstag="JW Player"]**. When you use the `rsstag` parameter, WP JW Player will use the default feed source defined in the settings to fetch the feeds. By default, the plugin uses Google News as a feed source, but you can change that to any source you like. You should be careful to use %keyword as the query keyword when you defined the default source. %keyword will be replaced by the `rsstag` parameter later on. Another way to do it is to include an absolute rss feed source like this **[wp-jw-player src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WsGmZO4N0g0" feed="http://www.tubepress.net/feed"]**. All the parameter can have default values to be used when you omit them. Defaults can be defined in **'Settings->WP JW Player'**. Full documentation can be found on the [WP JW Player](http://www.tubepress.net/wp-jw-player) page | Powered By [TubePress.NET](http://www.tubepress.net/)